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Our Library is now online – have a look and explore!


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After almost a year of tireless work we are proud to present our degrowth library. Here you can find various materials related to the transition to an economy independent from economic growth. The library already contains almost 700 entries, from introductory videos to newspaper articles and scientific publications in different languages. Diverse search options and an extensive list of themes make it easy to filter the existing material.

With the library, the team of the degrowth web portal hopes to make existing media easily accessible and to support the degrowth movement which is currently gaining momentum. The library will remain up to date as more materials are continuously added. We wish you much fun exploring the library!

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Maximum limits on income and wealth? A degrowth perspective

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By: Hubert Buch-Hansen, Max Koch

Against the background of a looming ecological collapse and extreme socio-economic inequality, growth-critical scholars and activists debate various eco-social policies that can facilitate transitions towards genuinely environmentally sustainable and socially equitable societies. Such policies include work sharing, time-banks, job guarantees, complementary currencies and minimum income schemes....


A dangerous courtship: The authoritarian nationalist right and the post-growth debate

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By: Dennis Eversberg

Growth-critical authors and advocates of a post-growth society are often criticized on the grounds that some of their arguments appear open to appropriation by authoritarian nationalist and nativist racist forces. As such objections are often made in a polemical and overly generalised manner, often ultimately aiming to delegitimize growth-critical ideas as a whole, those being criticised often ...


Tweeting with ‘the enemy’


By Giorgos Kallis Well, that was an interesting week! After publishing two rebuttals of the eco-modernist manifesto, I got swirled into twitterlandia, and exchanges with an amazing cadre of characters. First came the leaders of the Breakthrough Institute, with whom I had civilized conversations about the GDP of Japan and whether it is growing or not; the energy return on investment (EROI) of ...