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Video: Leben im Bauwagen


Leben im Bauwagen von Marc Menningmann auf Vimeo Der Fotograf Nico Baumgarten öffnete während der Degrowth Konferenz in Leipzig seinen Bauwagen für Passant_Innen. Wer wollte, konnte sich einen Eindruck von seiner Lebensweise machen und seine Fotoserie "Welcome Home" anschauen, die sich mit alternativen Wohnformen beschäftigt. Im Film erzählt er, was ihn zu dieser Aktion motiviert hat, und beschreibt die Reaktion der Menschen.

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Book Release: History of the Future of Economic Growth

By: Matthias Schmelzer, Iris Borowy

Historical roots of current debates on sustainable degrowth The future of economic growth is one of the decisive challenges of the twenty-first century. Though beginning at different times in different places, during the last two centuries, overall global economic growth has profoundly transformed life of humans and of the rest of nature. Today, societies, economies, and cultures are essentia...


Agrowth – should we better be agnostic about growth?

In a recently published article in Nature Climate Change, Jeroen van den Bergh argues that neither degrowth nor green-growth strategies might lead to sufficient climate action and hence makes the case for a third option which he calls “agrowth”. While the understanding of degrowth reflected in the article can certainly be disputed – it comes across as mainly targeting a shrinking GDP – his conc...


The Story of Sand Castles

By Kiran Pereira If you want to know the ‘most consumed raw material on earth’ look no further! Sand and gravel have overtaken even water on this front. Yet, not many people would think about sand unless they wanted to go on holiday to a beach! This resource exerts a hegemony that is unrivalled. From the mundane to the mystical, the uses of sand are far too numerous to list exhaustively here. ...