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More than a year ago the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity took place in Leipzig. Now the jubilee video "Metamorphoses" is available with english subtitles:

Metamorphosen [Metamorphoses] from Marc Menningmann on Vimeo.

At the opening of the Degrowth Conference 2014 the sound-artist Pablo Paolo Kilian preformed his piece of music "Metamorphoses“. He was accompanied by Melanie Bleckert, who created the analogous ligh-motive colour-compositions developed by Matthias Strobl, which were projected on the wall of the Audimax at the University of Leipzig.

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From dismal science to language of beauty – Towards a new story of economics


By Inez Aponte Humans are storytelling beings. In fact one could argue that it is impossible to make sense of the world without story. Storytelling is how we piece together facts, beliefs, feelings and history to form something of a coherent whole connecting us to our individual and collective past, present and future. The stories that help make meaning of our lives inform how we shape and re-...


Degrowth and history - economics, sustainability, power

Googling gdp

By Chris Ward Growth is always a goal in many countries, statistics appear everywhere and it’s always discussed. Even small reductions in GDP are met with bitter disappointment; it’s become one of the most important measures in the modern era. And yet there are surprisingly few discussions or resources on when and why this did happen. The special session on degrowth and history sheds some ligh...


“Economic degrowth had to be coupled with political democracy”

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